Puppetry is a form of performance and manipulation of objects. It originated 30,000 years BC and then was used as an art form and also for religious rituals.
Today is it rare that this art form is selected as a business and sole source of income. It takes a dedicated individual to derive pleasure from delighting his audiences. Don Wallis, a San Luis Obispo resident, has been doing just this for over 24 years with more than 8,000 shows under his belt. He is a hand puppeteer, hand puppets, not Marionettes.
Hand puppets take as long to learn to master. Both involve story telling. Hand puppetry requires not only head and body movements, but also a well planned entry and exit strategy ( stage blocking ) in order to bring on more than two puppets. The famed "Punch and Judy" offered up to 9 puppets per show.
His background as an Actor, Screenwriter, and Stage Director all adapted themselves to this art form. Also being a graduate in International World History as a literature historian he incorporates actual historical events into the plays he writes. There is something basic to world humanity that moves the child within the Adult human being, along with delighting children.
Many child birthday parties offer puppetry entertainment. Puppets have been used by psychotherapists to facilitate role playing and to help in diagnosis for mental disorders. Puppets can teach children important lessons. Employed by the State of California, Don has toured public schools doing a production with the underlying message being Anti Tobacco.
So remember, when someone asks you directions to...your pointing finger tells a story.
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